Accuweather weather underground
Accuweather weather underground

Longer term forecasts can also be found with time scales ranging multiple months into the future. The provider of the data then looks up the data for the cell you are requesting based off address (or latitude/longitude). These weather forecasts split the world into a grid of tiny squares and then calculate the weather at each point. The weather data is normally derived from ‘gridded’ models. This depends on the organization that is calculating the forecast. The weather forecast is typically available for the coming 5–15 days.

accuweather weather underground

Some data providers provide historical data that is already processed so that they have historical records for nearly all global locations. In the latter case, the weather history at a particular point will be a an average of the nearby measurements. Historical records are collected by weather stations so typically we need to look up data by finding the closest weather station or a combination of nearby stations.

accuweather weather underground

Past weather records allow to identify the expected weather for the future

Accuweather weather underground